Freemium: The Jesse Singal Meltdown Chronicles 2: Jesse & Aaron Rodericks

Plus, revisiting not beating the allegations of ties to pedophilia

by Josh Colletta

Just a quick one here, because this asshole doesn’t deserve much attention, but it’s important to put this out there.  So, long story short, here’s the latest on Jesse Singal terrorizing trans people on Bluesky, and the site’s head of “Trust and Safety” Aaron Rodericks helping him in that effort:

Due to the complete lack of a response for the longest time about Singal’s abusive behavior from any of the Bluesky team (including Rodericks or CEO Jay Graber), a prominent Bluesky user — who has been on the site longer than most and happens to be both a trans person and a “community contributor,” meaning someone who develops apps using the site’s AT Protocol — created a bot and account that tracks the publicly available (by design) Bluesky activity of Rodericks’ official account to show what Rodericks has been doing with his time instead of his actual defined job.

That bot and account did not become considered a problem until this past week.

Because, in this past week, Rodericks, using his official account, “liked” a post from a porn spambot advertising “barely legal” teen women.

It showed up in the tracking bot’s posts.

Rodericks found out about it within minutes. Less than ten minutes, as a matter of fact. He promptly abused his power to ban not only the bot account, but the personal account of the user who created it.  The user’s personal account has since been restored… but only after Graber publicly addressed the issue, and did so without contacting said user personally; a courtesy that newcomer Singal received from Rodericks after he had been suspended.

Notably, Graber attempted to pin the blame on newly-hired, overzealous moderation team members.  Nobody, and I mean absolutely nobody, believes that claim.  It is not credible, it is not plausible, and it just simply did not happen that way.

This proves definitively, beyond any shadow of a doubt whatsoever, that Rodericks could have immediately acted against Jesse Singal, who is still active on the site, and is still directing his fans to join Bluesky specifically for the purpose of “brigading” them to attack, dox, harass, and threaten trans people. Y’know, that is if Rodericks’ earlier, near-immediate, manual lifting of Singal’s suspensions and removal of all content warnings wasn’t evidence enough.

It also doesn’t help Rodericks counter the claims that he and Singal share a predilection for nekked pictures of girls of an age that at least pushes the limit of legality… and in Singal’s case could very well cross the line if his connections to Prostasia and defenders (and his own vehement defense) of “non-offending” pedophiles are any indication.  Which we can’t say for sure, but his devices certainly deserve a good scanning.  Maybe there’s something there, maybe there isn’t; who’s to say?  I’m just asking questions.  That’s my right — nay, my job! — as a “journalist.”

That brings us to today.  Singal has written a follow-up piece directly naming the user who created the tracking bot, thereby indicating to his fellow terrorists who to go after next.  Make no mistake about it, that’s exactly his purpose in doing so.  That’s his purpose in doing anything.  He is a transphobic Nazi terrorist sack of shit who uses what little power he has to ruin the lives of others.

And Aaron Rodericks, Bluesky’s Head of Gooning to Teenagers, is fully on board with this tactic, having explicitly changed the site’s rules to say, in not so many words, “we don’t punish users for what they do off of our site, even if those actions have a harmful effect on other users on our site.”  He has crafted the carve-out that allows Singal to do this without consequence.

Will Rodericks retaliate against me for daring to point all of this out?  If he’s actually honest about it, then no.  According to that very same carve-out, I can point all of this out on my own site, and he’s not allowed to do anything about it.

We shall see.

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