464 In early 2016, as Donald Trump’s first campaign made it clear what he was, I posed a question to the people of Hillsdale County: will you willingly vote for a Nazi?Damning themselves, the majority did so. Then did so again in 2020. And again this year.And that’s been reflected in local elections, as well. It was bad enough that the seditionists — both the group who briefly held control of the county Republican Party, who I refer to properly as the Hillsdale County Seditionists (read up about them here), and those who engaged in sedition on January 6th, 2021 outside that group — have achieved power in some capacity. Thankfully, those inept clowns have mostly been rejected, but the worse element, the Hillsdale College Plants (as I will properly refer to them), who are true believers in the Nazi principles of absolute power and puritanical social domination, have weaseled their way into government positions and have already done substantial damage. Several of them, grad students, have been operating a blog for some time called “Hillsdale County Review,” which is an overly-verbose and inept attempt to dictate terms on the county political stage.This latest effort began with the appointment of Joshua Paladino to the Hillsdale Library Board. As I detailed here, Paladino orchestrated and led a terrorist campaign of violent threats and defamation against two librarians, literally running them out of town. He belongs in prison, not in any position of authority. But in 2022, the voters of Ward 4 elected him as one of their city council members, further entrenching this city’s electorate in their thrall with Nazism.It’s important to note that Paladino’s appointment to the library board was made by current and now-outgoing mayor Adam Stockford — who is jokingly referred to by his opposition as “Mayro” due to a typo he once made on Facebook. When Paladino unleashed his vicious and wholly untrue attacks against the librarians, despite the overwhelming public outcry for his removal, Stockford refused to take action.Now, we need to talk about about the political fortunes of Mayro Stockford for a moment. He has twice run for state representative, and he has lost both times.The first time, Stockford was the frontrunner until Hillsdale College alum Andrew Fink, a lawyer who had moved back to Hillsdale from Ann Arbor for no apparent reason a couple years prior, “decided” (read: was told) to start a campaign late in the race. Not only was Fink the college’s chosen candidate (as term-limited Eric Leutheuser had been immediately preceding him), but Consumers Energy, seeking to protect their recent investment in the wind farm on the east side of Hillsdale County, was somehow persuaded to throw their weight behind him in the form of a massive dark-money ad campaign the likes of which this district has never seen before or since. The name recognition from that campaign quickly propelled Fink into the lead, and he easily won the four-way Republican primary race.That loss broke Adam Stockford, as Hillsdale College’s meddling in the elections for that particular seat has a tendency to do to those who they defeat, and he began a downward spiral, joining the Hillsdale County Seditionists — who he already was well-aware had broken the law in numerous ways, including at the local level — out of a desire for revenge. If he couldn’t win at the state level, by God, he was going to join the group that had at least seen some success (legitimately at first) at the local and county level. And for a short time, the Hillsdale County Seditionists’ agenda matched up with Hillsdale College’s agenda. They wanted the neocons out of power across the board so that they could take those positions.So when Fink “decided” (read: was told) that he was going to run for an open seat on the Michigan Supreme Court this year, Stockford decided to try again, this time backed by the Hillsdale County Seditionists and the typical troublemakers in the area. But he couldn’t even claim that he had been the frontrunner this time around. Even despite some legitimate good campaigning (like door-knocking and mailers) and some illegal electioneering (“Man, do I love my people!“), he got wiped out 52% to 30% by Jennifer Wortz, the leader of the Branch County chapter of Moms For Liberty (the remaining 18% went to Branch County commissioner Tom Matthew). Wortz may not be directly connected to Hillsdale College, but the college’s newest front organization, “Families For Hillsdale,” which is tied directly to the college’s group of grad students operating as “Hillsdale County Review,” most certainly backed her.By the way, just as an aside, “Families For Hillsdale” recently posted an obviously staged picture of a typical home-use syringe needle (the kind used for injections such as insulin; I would know, I use them myself for exactly that purpose) on the wall of a downtown Hillsdale building, demanding that “hobos, bums, and drug addicts” should be rounded up by the police and kicked out of town. The plunger wasn’t even depressed, and the cap was still on the needle. And apparently, it’s not even the first time they’ve staged such a photo. Such great people, huh?For the record, drugs have not plagued Hillsdale much until the opioid epidemic. They name Detroit, Chicago and San Francisco because they hate black and gay people. And they speak as if no parents are taking their kids for walks in those cities (which is ridiculous). This is the obvious rhetoric of the Hillsdale College grad students who the college is using to usurp control of the city government.But I digress. Wortz, as is usual for Hillsdale College’s tactics, came out of nowhere. While she’s a member of a local family who has long been politically involved, nobody expected her to run. Her campaign, however, quickly gained traction based almost entirely in social media targeting the spaces where the most active Republican voters in this district gather online. Once again, the college, through people ostensibly operating independently (but literally everyone knows otherwise), ran a shrewd campaign and railroaded the other candidates out in the most devastatingly effective way possible.Stockford, despite being a victim of a previous such railroading, didn’t see it coming. He and his wife bought a house in Camden, a little town in the southwest corner of the county, anticipating a primary win, which would have guaranteed a general election win. That win, of course, didn’t happen, and now they can’t back out of the purchase. The clock is ticking even faster than they had anticipated it would. So, at the November 4th city council meeting, Stockford announced that he would be resigning as the Mayor of Hillsdale effective January 1st, 2025.As I noted the day after, this made it glaringly obvious that Stockford had planned to move into the Camden house after being sworn in as state rep, since he would have to resign as mayor of Hillsdale ahead of that event anyway, but his primary loss moved the timeline up a bit.Interestingly, Stockford blames people who he said have an “eagerness to gossip in this community,” adding that they “blew the whistle on us early.” That further shows that this was all planned out to coincide with a state rep primary win.So either the sellers of the new house are getting a bit restless, or something’s forcing them out of their current house, because Stockford moved up his effective resignation date to December 2nd, just two weeks from the night of the November 18th city council meeting. His prior announcement was made under the guise of giving the council time to figure out how to move forward for the next two years, even though Stockford claimed he was planning to remain in his Hillsdale home until the new year. That working period clearly isn’t important anymore.The reason why it isn’t important anymore is made obvious by the penultimate paragraph of the Daily News’s article: the duties of mayor, in the event of the elected mayor’s resignation, fall to the mayor pro tem. We already had a mayor pro tem: one of my ward’s city councilmembers, Will Morrisey. Despite being connected to Hillsdale College, Dr. Morrisey is not a Hillsdale College Plant, and he’s done an excellent job as mayor pro tem in the past.So why should he not be mayor pro tem this time around?No reason.Unless you are a Hillsdale College Plant and you want to take that title for yourself. The council’s vote was by secret ballot, so we don’t know who voted for whom, but Paladino won 5-4. Safe to say that Paladino voted for himself and Morrisey voted for himself. Stockford could have gone either way, though while he spoke highly of Morrisey, he also spoke at length about the young councilmembers being the future prior to the vote, so… toss-up. There’s no question that Hillsdale College Plant (a grad student) and Ward 1 newcomer Jacob Bruns voted for Paladino; that’s pretty much a given. Nobody has a fucking clue who my new Ward 2 councilmember Matthew Bentley is, which, due to prior experience, would suggest he’s a Hillsdale College Plant, as well (and I encourage him to prove me wrong), so he likely voted for Paladino. I would wager that Ward 3’s new councilmember and former WCSR personality Bob Flynn voted for Morrisey, though I can’t say that for certain. Interestingly, Ward 1’s Greg Stuchell (an unaffiliated seditionist with Hillsdale College ties) spoke in favor of Morrisey prior to the vote, so that would seem to indicate his choice. That would leave Ward 3 newcomer (and Hillsdale College economics professor) Gary Wolfram and Ward 4’s Robert Socha (himself an unaffiliated seditionist with Hillsdale College ties). Hard to say how either of them voted, but the math would suggest at least one of them picked Paladino.Ope! Wait! INSTANT UPDATE!Yeah, I had a feeling that was probably the case — and it is an OMA violation — but I didn’t bother looking it up to verify earlier because, honestly, it doesn’t change the outcome of the vote. Ultimately, however whoever voted, five people chose to make a Nazi terrorist the acting mayor of Hillsdale, Michigan for the next two years.And this is exactly Hillsdale College’s goal: take over a city by exploiting an apathetic electorate, beneficial circumstances, and essentially undemocratic processes that they can play to their advantage. Nobody except five men on the city council voted for Joshua Paladino to be the acting mayor. But Adam Stockford’s hubris and inability to understand that transfers of property ownership are public records in Michigan led to the perfect opportunity. The college has long picked their employees or at least affiliated locals to run for office as much as possible, but this new effort to run grad students who love to talk down to the born-and-raised (or at least long-established) locals has proved fruitful for them, because let’s face it: the majority of Hillsdale County’s electorate have proven themselves worthy of being talked down to.So as a result, we now have a city council favorable to Paladino, the man who took advantage of a broken mayor to get appointed to the library board in the first place, committed multiple crimes and bullied his way to basically taking over the library board with his own agenda, then ran for city council in a ward where the college has increasing influence. That last bit has led many to believe that Hillsdale College is basically encouraging their people to move into homes all across the city so they can have at least one council member in each of the four wards on their side, which is what has effectively happened.As usual, I have to point out that the reason why you should care about all of this, especially now that Trump has managed to treason his way back into the White House, is because Hillsdale and Hillsdale County are the testbed for how Hillsdale College plans to implement Nazi Republican takeovers of local governments across the country. This is how it will play out in your community if you let them in, and you have to take every precaution to not let them in, because once they’re there, they will be almost impossible to remove.These people are like that stain on your favorite shirt that you couldn’t do anything about until you got home, and now it’s there forever.And on the day I was ready to publish this piece, the Hillsdale Daily News’s pretty-much-only-employee-left Corey Murray — the same who commented on the staged needle photo — did a two-part interview (Part 1… and Part 2) with Paladino about his sudden ascension to power. While Murray mentions it up front, there were no questions for Paladino about the defamation and terrorist campaign he ginned up to run the two librarians out of town, for which he apparently will go completely unpunished. Such Fourth Estate. Much journalism. Wow. Adam StockfordAndrew FinkBob FlynnConsumers EnergyEric LeutheuserFamilies For HillsdaleGary WolframGreg StuchellHillsdale City CouncilHillsdale CollegeHillsdale College PlantsHillsdale County ReviewHillsdale County SeditionistsJacob BrunsJennifer WortzJoshua PaladinoMatthew BentleyMoms For LibertyNazismRobert SochaWill Morrisey 0 comments Josh Colletta When he was a kid, everything was a microphone. So they put him behind one, and he started in radio at the age of 8. Now, some 32 years later, Josh Colletta is doing what he's worked toward all his life: talking with you about things that matter, things that don't matter, and life in general. From politics to sports to Star Trek to civil engineering, and plenty of other geeky endeavors, let's have fun keeping the doctors confused! You may also like Congress Has Bought the Bullshit on AM Radio... 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